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noises noises people make noises people make noises when they're sick

I want to be as strong as Yang Xiao Long one day. Scars or not.


I'm kinda melancholy
I spend so much time working on my own health that I have no ability to perform basic social interaction
My mess isn't visible but it's there and by fucking god is it a sty between my ears

Need new guitar strings
I also might tune to drop G and see what I can get out of it

latest boost:
could not be me motherfucker

I have 5 interests in life
pretty basic stuff

this computer is a wonder of a machine and I'm happy to use it I just think these quirks are REALLY ENTERTAINING

mh joke 

this computer has anxiety we're a perfect match

honey you dont gotta run at 3ghz all the time it's okay calm down

this computer has a problem just realizing it has massive headroom to do anything and it keeps turboing and making the fans go hard LMAO

remind me to find a table to set this laptop on when i play games so I'm not accidentally choking it 😬

neg, body stuff 

an unintended side effect of my diabetes is that no matter what i do my body will be blemished by shitty needle marks or ugly treatment supplies and realistically that makes me wonder if getting in shape is worth it

old ass web design 

so i'm looking at a guide for metroid prime 3 speedruns and

having to check your friends' skus to make sure this one transformer is in the same place on the PCB

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!