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"I swear I've settled on a fursona!" I say, slowly turning into a lamia.

Kyurii boosted

Buy your trans friend pizza or takeout and remind them that you love them today.

I have woken up with all my kitties on me.
this is great.


For the past 3/4ths a year my HRT has mostly affected my lower body, I've grown a lot of booty, and my hips are actually growing out.

What a shame I'm more fond of getting boobs than any of that, I only recently got above flat orz

Wanna play ffxiv.
Too lazy to play ffxiv.
h e l p

Kyurii boosted

Pro-tip: "Foolish mortals" is a gender-neutral way to refer to folks!

My favorite pass time is my kitten screaming at me demanding love.

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it took a few more months than they said it would, but these pills finally turned me into a fluffy moth girl

Me and @AgiDine did the entire Anima light step in a single day, in 9 hours. Help. (he also copied my other anima >:0)

Kyurii boosted

Help Rae the Doe: after a recent comic suggested gamers should support the 250 ppl laid off by Telltale, Olive Brinker (Rae's creator) had to deactivate her account because of the subsequent mass harassment by the GooberGrape movement.

If you can, please support Olive on patreon at She does amazing work for the trans community and deserves support during this attack.

Kyurii boosted

- *Gives a friend the Super Crown.*
- *Is eagerly taken!*
- *Has no effect.*
- "Guess you're already a princess!" :patcat:

Ffxiv, but I spend my time on leveling and gearing my classes instead of spending everything on anima weapons

Kyurii boosted

Tbh I wish I had more ffxiv friends to play with, social anxiety makes me unable to play with randoms half the time.

Transitioning Slight NSFW 

It's quite weird how the effects of HRT on me happen in short infrequent bursts once every 1.5 months. Like today I noticed my breasts are significantly larger than a week ago, along with most of my belly fat being completely gone now.

trying to find a good mastodon app, previous one would not send notifications despite permissions and settings

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things that automatically change a :) or a <3 to an emoji are the worst thing in the world and sent by the devil

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When someone says the government is putting estrogen in tap water to turn people trans

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!