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it should be illegal to name proprietary software "open[whatever]"

Meanwhile, KDE is taking measures to properly warn users before each download and we are also putting in place ways of auditing and curating what is uploaded to the KDE store.

Nevertheless, this will take time and resources. We recommend all users to be careful when installing and running software not provided directly by KDE or your distros.

And remember to report any faulty products you find!

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I've managed to keep off the weight I lost before the con for about 2 weeks now

This one rack is 120kW of Nvidia AI compute. Google, Meta, Apple, OpenAI AND others are buying these like candy. In fact, there is a waiting list to get your hands on it. Each compute is super expensive too. All liquid cooled. Crazy tech. Crazy energy requirements too 🔥🤬all such massive energy requirements so that AI companies can sell LLM from stolen content from many humans and put everyone else out of the job while heating our planet.

🚀 Firefox 124 has landed! 🦊

📄Caret Browsing in PDFs
💻Screen Wake Lock API
🗃️Firefox View now sorts tabs by activity or order.
🔧 Security fixes #opensource #unix #linux #macos #freebsd

Some of you know today as π-day.

But the real insiders know that today is the 30th anniversary of the 1.0 release of Linux.

Pi Day is just a fake holiday created by math companies to sell more math. Apparently, they think if we celebrate an infinite number, our wallets will magically become infinite too. 😏

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!