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Opening up a level 4 (that's me) request for help today that starts off with "Hello level 4, I am so tired of this thing and have no idea what to do" and the reply directly before was "This situation is a nightmare" and I'm just like. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

alcohol ment 

Weird ramble: realizing I talk about drinking at least 9x more times than I actually drink anything. Like I had a flute of honey mead on... *looks at Instagram* July 20th. (And I may drink a flute of it tonight because it sounds good.)

But I talk about it sometimes like I drink weekly. And I do enjoy it, don't get me wrong, so it's probably why I do tlk about it. But if you actually look at my drinking habits it's highly misleading.

Hey folks, a good friend of mine in the US is trying to come up with $1400 to cover the cost of getting their dog's tumour removed and it'd mean a lot if you could check out their post and their Gofundme. Please share, thanks in advance!


Health/financial/family things 

But he's losing it much earlier than expected so he's not doing well in recovery right now. My grandmother finally got put in a nursing home this weekend which is a huge relief to me and several other family members.

Now if they can keep her there.

And I have to figure out how to borrow a truck or something to get my things from my grandparents' house now. And I haven't seen them for almost 2 years now since my coming out got me kicked out of family events.

Show thread

Health/financial/family things 

So my grandfather had to have an emergency pacemaker put in this weekend. After he's had 3 separate stints put in I'm not surprised. But mom says he's depressed and he finally told her he's about to lose the house.

I'm like... Not surprised? He had mortgaged it a long time ago. No one in my family has ever had an inheritance lmao. The idea of it seems... IDK. But we all didn't expect that house to stick. Would have paid off debts.

Reminder: "-mancy" as a suffix refers specifically to divination and augury. If you want non-divinatory magic, consider "-urgy" in its place, which means "work" or "effort".

one or the problems with capitalism is that it's warped our brains into thinking people with an abundance of money are like modern wizards. our culture views the wealthy as though they possess some arcane, esoteric knowledge that gives them moneymancer powers. fiduciary spellcasters! 🧙🏼 💰

like, nah. magic missle is a spell. that rich asshole over there is either exploitative, a product of blind luck, or (probably) both.

Good morning y'all! Hope you're all having a good day whatever time it is your way!

boost if you love the part of the jrpg where you go into the big forest and theres nice piano chords

birdsite link, fighting games 

gllty is looking to start some sort of SFV training group for women:

if you play #fightinggames and are interested but aren't on twitter any more lmk and i can pass on the details once they're posted #fgc #gameing #gaming #sfv #streetfighter

It's actually chilly enough here today that;
Outside I turned on the heater in the car
Inside the office I'm wrapped in a blanket today

Woke up to 52 degrees, I'm sure it'll be like 78 by afternoon though 😋


Good morning! I'm Kodi! I disappeared for awhile after all the Witches Town stuff happened earlier this year and hadn't found a new server yet but decided to try this one out.

I'm 31, non-binary, queer, I like gaming - board games, TTRPGs, video games (especially Bioware), etc. I like science fiction and monsters. Bit of a furry. Bit of an artsy type when I can motivate myself. A little but of everything.

Hope you're all having a good day!

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!