DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

great to hear! redd.it/jjv1xy

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

shark art, eye contact 

You ever just had a vague idea of a piece you'd like of your sona, but you're aphantasic and don't really know what that'd look like save for the most abstract description?

Well it turns out @fluxom_art read my mind, and it turned out better than I could've hoped!

I'm a plantshark now :blobcatuwu:

NSFW; boob, boobsweat 

@anthracite @Edelwood drink the sweat to rehydrate

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

NSFW image crop/tipjar thing 

Reminder I do that thing for stuff. It's just a tip jar but I post pretty much all non-commission stuff there for now.


DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

art wip, sharkdragon back 

theres habits I get into when drawing certain sonas that I don't know how to attribute to anything and in Lhos' case it's apparently a habit to just add way more muscle than is on the ref sheet

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

I drew @chr in a pencil skirt and im gay im gay im so fucking gay what the heck

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

SFW furry art, needle, HRT 

On Wednesdays

We :dizzy_trans: SPARKLE :dizzy_trans:

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

Furry art, SFW 

Reminder: Azure is good (she/they)

Art: @lilyface , sorimmori@twitter, leggysnakebite@twitter, floe@mastodon.social

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

Still cis tho, b-Baka! redd.it/icqqc1

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

hrt pol 

not to fuck around and acknowledge people's bodily autonomy on main but if men wanna be estrogen dominant or women wanna be on testosterone i think that should be allowed

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

y'allllll check out this monochrome bumble that @/tailtufts@snouts.online did, he knocked it out of the park!!!

reposting because mastodon is refusing to let me boost this again and nothing on earth will stop me from shoving this buglizard in everyone's face for eternity

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!