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DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

this is a PSA for all trans mascs here

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

I wish the left would HURRY UP

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

I hate to be political, but also someone's right to exist shouldn't be politics

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

rape, mh (-), abuse, trans chasing, gaslighting 

My roommate taped someone in our home. Their partner came to visit a few months back and he sexually assaulted them what seems like multiple times.

On top of this, he has a history of lying and manipulating people to make them feel sorry for him, as well as fetishizing trans femme bodies.

Their handle is @/mall_os on Twitter, it used to be @/calliegonthet

We are kicking him out of the house.

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

rape, mh (-), abuse, trans chasing, gaslighting 

He currently has two accounts I’m aware of here on mastodon. Both are @/CallieG here on snouts and on

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DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

A mutual had got into a very minor car accent that scuffed just a 3 inch patch of another car with a moving truck, but insurance won't cover it and they now have to pay $5,400.

Consider helping them out or at least spreading the word?

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

Therapy? Why didn't *I* think of that?!?

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

☁️ 🌈 f u c k

#nsfw just some boys on their disgusting couch

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

art wip, gay skunk sketches 

I already drew two gay skunks tail coiling, what more does this need?

three gay skunks tail coiling

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

Anyone else have an awakening with the gender swap filter on FaceApp? I obsessed over it for two years. Like, "If I could magically be this, I would. Oh no no I'm not /trans/... But--". More on instagram @lennonsweets

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!