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Although while talking about the best punk albums of the decade I'd be remiss not to mention Silver Haze by Aye Nako, Dripping by Pile, and Fetch by Melt-Banana. There are a lot of exciting developments in punk music recently.
Unfortunately it's the last AJJ album I really enjoyed.
My grandma still has my fursona on her fridge from a Christmas card I made in 2013.

Hello friends, would you like to play an intellectual property with me?

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Gamers love to call Luigi an "Intellectual Property".

Got my cardio in before work today, which means when I get home I can make a beeline to the couch.

Bitter at Twitter 

That headline is about two years old I think, but yes

MH (-, +?) 

I'm exhausted by extremely trivial things lately. I'm struggling to drum up enthusiasm about the things I love. I think it's time for me to try changing things in my environment a little more.

The easiest approach is just to use it like Twitter. Follow the people you're friends with and check your main timeline.

Hangover, food 

Tofu scramble is my go to hangover brunch. It's the best part of having a hangover.

They did a REALLY GOOD JOB making it look like Salt Lake City, too. They even got the design of our police cars and buses right.

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I'm playing the part of The Last of Us that takes place in Salt Lake City and it is SO WEIRD playing a video game where you can point out your location in physical space.

It's really complicated and I'm going to let it sit for a bit before I make any calls

I almost ended up making a welfare check to one of my neighbors

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!