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Dr. Mario still has one of my favorite video game music, for some reason

(For whatever reason, Mastodon doesn't want to display these gifs correctly, but I guess this isn't too bad)

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I'm at the DMV, and the guy in front of me is watching a Super Mario Odyssey speedrun on his phone

*reading the Codex Seraphinianus* Why aren't all books like this

I've been playing Symphony of the Night, and it hit me with this track. It's like it was specifically composed for me:

I'm in a very PS1 mood lately. I didn't have one until after the PS2 was released, and I never had many games for it, so it was always kind of a mystery to me that I saw peeks of from time to time in stores or at other people's houses. It has kind of a peculiar aesthetic to it, and I'm enjoying being able to explore it now

I woke up to a great big thunderbolt striking right outside my apartment window. It was scary!

I just finished rewatching Madoka Magica for the first time in years. It still holds up really well, I think, and it still has quite an emotional impact

I got shampoo in my eye. Please inform my next of kin

I dried my clothes twice at the apartment laundry room in two separate dryers. Neither time did my clothes actually get dry, so now I'm grumpy

i bought some dorito's. now im a real gamre girl

Tyranny seems like a really interesting game, but it's so poorly optimized that it runs horribly on my computer despite it being able to run most modern games decently. Oh well

I wound up taking a taxi to a train station down the line so I could get to it on time. I'm now taking the last train home while listening to Last Train Home

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!