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Friendship Regain With Math
Now Math & Physics Both are My best Friends

Somebody recommended a differential geometry textbook to me because "it *screams* MiseryMyra whenever [he] was looking at it," and I was very flattered

My ISP keeps sending me promotions for its TV service that look like actually important mail, and it looks different every time. It's kind of annoying

Cat update: After the delay, I may be adopting the cat this Thursday. Looking forward to it!

The president of my campus's LGBTQ+ club had to step down, so I'm the acting president now. I'm kind of nervous about the responsibility that entails

Dr. Mario still has one of my favorite video game music, for some reason

(For whatever reason, Mastodon doesn't want to display these gifs correctly, but I guess this isn't too bad)

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I'm at the DMV, and the guy in front of me is watching a Super Mario Odyssey speedrun on his phone

*reading the Codex Seraphinianus* Why aren't all books like this

I've been playing Symphony of the Night, and it hit me with this track. It's like it was specifically composed for me:

I'm in a very PS1 mood lately. I didn't have one until after the PS2 was released, and I never had many games for it, so it was always kind of a mystery to me that I saw peeks of from time to time in stores or at other people's houses. It has kind of a peculiar aesthetic to it, and I'm enjoying being able to explore it now

I woke up to a great big thunderbolt striking right outside my apartment window. It was scary!

I just finished rewatching Madoka Magica for the first time in years. It still holds up really well, I think, and it still has quite an emotional impact

I got shampoo in my eye. Please inform my next of kin

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!