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The plumbing in my bathroom occasionally makes a sound just like one from a messaging app I used to use years ago. I don't even remember which one it was anymore, but it still gets my attention

Yeah, I like to live dangerously. *backs up her hard drive for the first time in years*


I experimented a bit and made some chili lime ramen (from my own ingredients, not a flavor packet). It came out better than expected!

I'm glad HexChat finally fixed emojis. I won't be staring at Legoยฎ Bricks all the time anymore


I caught what I assume to be a nasty cold, and I'll probably be stuck in my apartment for a few days

love too play *reads smudged writing on hand* devin castro dracula x: rambo of bloop

It still blows my mind that the main character themes in Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 have the same lyrics between them, yet different melodies. I don't know of any other pair songs like that

I just found out that they made a bunch of cartoon shorts for Sonic Mania, and they're incredible?

Friendship Regain With Math
Now Math & Physics Both are My best Friends

Somebody recommended a differential geometry textbook to me because "it *screams* MiseryMyra whenever [he] was looking at it," and I was very flattered

My ISP keeps sending me promotions for its TV service that look like actually important mail, and it looks different every time. It's kind of annoying

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!