work, school, queerphobia
One of my coworkers in the science department is a 40-year-old queer mom who's also a gamer, though, so it's not all bad
work, school, queerphobia
I've just been busy working as a student teacher, mostly. I only have two weeks left, which makes me nervous about the future. I've thankfully found a small community of queer coworkers, but a lot of the staff here is clearly not supportive of queer people. I've worked with a lot of queer kids, and I'm happy they're able to be open about it in school and find community that way, but it's definitely not without backlash from their peers and the staff alike
medical/legal transitioning, advice/support needed
I'm looking for advice/support about transitioning in Europe (specifically, Spain) while getting around the gatekeeping of the GIC. Anything about informed consent and DIY would also be appreciated. This is for my girlfriend in Madrid, who has struggled a lot with the GIC in the past. We're just hoping to find any kind of support and pointers about this whole process. Boosts are welcome