Very good motorcycle adventure today! No pictures, was too busy being VERY COLD because wind chill is VERY POWERFUL. But it was gorgeous out today and the ride was absolutely lovely apart from being super cold and needing to periodically stop and huddle around my motorcycle's engine to warm my hands up. Air cooled engines are great radiant heat sources!
@Balina except yes you should be because they will only also be excellent!!!
kink stuff with FO4 mods, macro
@Nerts yaya. *Nod*
Not especially nsfw, but it's some of my weird furry nonsense
Did you know? If Dahlia doesn't get drawn every once in a while, all that dingbok builds up and takes matters into her own hands.
Another stunning piece from!
@fluxom_alt sometimes a Penny will wear a little hat or a suit jacket that's much too large and will assure everyone they are not part of a distributed synthetic hivemind here to eat all their data or even a cat there are no such thing purple does not exist we drink COFFEE and eat SCONE have JOB normal organic ordinary and not many wow so normal wow Yaya a++ normal!
It was a little bit effed before, as in, literally rusted to pieces and falling apart
Cats can fix!!!
It was kind of a huge pain in the butt and took MANY trips to different part stores to find the right adapter pipe, but Frank finally has a new muffler that isn't rusting into metallic parmasean cheese powder! AND it makes cool vroom vroom crackle burblepoppop noises!!
Will be working on a better stopper for the center stand as well as a secondary support bracket for the muffler itself, but those are more "would be nice" projects than 100% need to do projects!
The internet is made of n+1 cats & the cats are made of the internet. Feline hivemind ate your pizza, probably your neighbors too. THEM THEM THEM THEM THEM!