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Cats do not know how to stop

And do not want to know

Cats have been going on adventures!

Some adventures have been more adventurous than preferred, but still fun adventures!

Moose are too big and scary

wip dragon n kobble art! surprisingly not lewd 

@Draekos oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh the CUTIES

Penny!!! boosted

wip dragon n kobble art! surprisingly not lewd 

a relationship dynamic that is both goals and I am so excited to draw


But several of them

Several severals of cats

Repeating of course

Cats in your computer

And on your patio furniture

An entirely reasonable

But completely untenable

Amount of cats

Cats have not chosen chaos

Cats embodied

And chaos became

Selfie, wearing sunglasses 

@Alistor that is the COOLEST plaid!!!

Penny!!! boosted

How many cats does it take to put on a single motorcycle wheel?

Just one cats but it takes THREE AND A HALF HOURS.


Gotta get decals made in this same font that says trans rights and gonna put it on the luggage I'm getting for the new motorcycle

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!