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Penny!!! boosted

Furry Art, Nudity, Refs 

Char refs for @Galuade who is a precious bean that possesses soft beans!! This was a lot of fun to work on and I think she came out a total cutiepatootie

dunno, emotions and stuff? 

@PennyPennyPenny sorry. just like. dumping thoughts out. blah.

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dunno, emotions and stuff? 

@PennyPennyPenny Who knows, might be starting an in towards a more permanent bit of work, even just a stint as a cellarhand or something would be lovely!

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dunno, emotions and stuff? 

@PennyPennyPenny might have a quick bit of work this weekend though, so that'll be nice. Bottling line work at a winery. Cover a few weeks of groceries and a bit of fun money. Cash job most likely.

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dunno, emotions and stuff? 

@PennyPennyPenny so sick of being in limbo. job limbo. visa status limbo. health coverage limbo. future limbo. everything is just this big dumb wall of "I dunno, keep waiting and maybe something will happen" it feels like

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dunno, emotions and stuff? 

Keep saying "been doing a lot of thinking" lately but honestly its mostly been a wash of nothing in there but humming the occasional folk song while being bounced from vague emotion to vague emotion trying to whittle away time and hurry up and wait.


Billionaires are neither really alive nor animals so it's totally cool for vegans to eat em once we begin to eat the rich.

leans in real close

many times

happy happy modem SHRIEK right in your face like 17 deranged parrots


Penny!!! boosted
Penny!!! boosted

@Draekos Been liking tootdon for the most part! refreshing is a touch slow, but that's it!

Just wanna nibble on your files

Just little bytes


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!