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ALPHYS boosted

today it's like an important day or whatever which means all the monsters are too busy throwing a party in snowdin to be on the internet HAHA MORE BANDWIDTH FOR ME SUCKERS

i will not be answering further questions at this time

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anyway uh if anyone knows where to get dog treats bulk wholesale please let me know

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you ever think that something can't possibly go wrong and then it goes horribly horribly wrong in several ways you could not have predicted

they made a video game where you can date colonel sanders god DAMN it

the best part about school year starting again is that the kids bribe me with lunchables for extra computer time

ALPHYS boosted

hey kid, want some... *opens trenchcoat* import manga...?

i dunno about ALL computers being gay but the ones i build certainly fuckin are

im going to build a robot to own everyone who has wrong opinions about anime

ALPHYS boosted

Sorry for the absence. Just haven't had the time to "post" lately. Have this cute picture of Alphys and Undyne to make up for it.

LMAO the principal got mad at the kids today bc he said one of them installed touhou on the school computers

it was me

updated my profile with the meta fields they added to undernet uwu


god im jealous of muffet

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!