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Silver Ball Century, my chronological stream, continues tonight! Viewers choose tables as long as they're from 1980

they were trying to get me to accept a substitution of boring Godiva milk chocolate two weeks late

anyone got any recommendations for a chocolate-sending company that actually stocks chocolate?

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why did I not realize that trying to order a gift of chocolate online would be exactly as full of bait-and-switch drop-shipping scams as ordering flowers is

it's exactly the same scam, to the point that it was literally 1-800-FLOWERS that called to say they wouldn't be able to fulfill the order

arborelia boosted

you also have to say "Fediverse" to include PeerTube, a video sharing site that you were not talking about

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Everyone's so quick to correct that you can't say "Mastodon", you have to say "Fediverse"

Because unlike just different Mastodon servers, which can have different features, a server could be on something called Cackalackey, which has different features

because the house is fine now I have time to do a stream! Practicing ALttPR, criss-cross-keys plus new settings, for the upcoming Doors League

we took precautions. We shut off the hot water at the intake (after leaving the valves open for many hours), and left a drip of cold water running so it wouldn't freeze too.

I was still nervous we'd come back to a burst pipe or an overflowing sink or something.

but it was fine! and the warmer weather today unfroze the pipe and everything's working again!

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on Christmas Eve our hot water stopped running, because a pipe froze. we tried some simple things but we couldn't find the pipe, and it wasn't about to unfreeze given the weather.

we tried what we could and we delayed for quite a while, but we had to leave for my parents' place.

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we came home to having hot and cold running water! it's a festivus miracle!!!

Oh shoot we were supposed to get on Past 42, where do we turn around

arborelia boosted

Super frustrated with all the cheerleading over chatbots for search, so here's a thread of presentations of my work with Chirag Shah on why this is a bad idea. Follow threaded replies for:

media coverage
original paper
conference presentation

Please boost whichever (if any) speak to you.

Anyone who’s played the board game “Patchwork”, I just want to check if we’re playing right. Are negative scores common?

Scores in 3 games with my sister were -15 to 18, -5 to 7, 12 to -2.

cursed text, caps 

@deejvalen she may not understand but she’s right anyway!

arborelia boosted

SBF is out on bail for swindling billions of dollars while people die in Rikers awaiting trial for shoplifting.

A good argument for abolishing the pay-for-freedom bail model which undermines the Constitutional principle of innocent until proven guilty.

arborelia boosted

The holidays can be a really tough time. The advice I often heard was, "Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Help others. Get out of your head." It's perfectly fine advice, but unhelpful if the mere thought of interacting with people is overwhelming. Anyway, here's a thing I did one year that did help:

I bought a Cookie Monster costume, went to the airport, and waited at arrivals with a sign that said "COOKIE"

Didn't have to talk to anyone and boy did I get to watch people's faces light up.

the good news is I already switched from LastPass to 1Password. the bad news is that doesn't help

Late stream: I decided to do a Swordless Festive run of ALttP Randomizer. The presents cannon should do a lot of work here

SBF, ordering pizza for his crime polycule: One of you here will betray me

Everyone there who is going to betray him: Yay pizza

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!