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arborelia boosted

People calling whatever newly release game du jour "the worst looking game ever", or "the worst game ever", I challenge you to spend an hour playing something I pick out for you. We'll start with Hell Fighter and Gangcheol Robocop.

arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted

Years ago I set up a Google Alert on Natural Language Processing (mostly with the goal of turning up job postings for students in my program). Based on what that is returning these days, I need journalists to know that using a language model to write an article is not an original idea.

Also, it plainly conveys a lack of interest in truthful reporting (even when the use of the LM is revealed). In what other contexts to journalists print something followed by ... 🙃NOT🙃

arborelia boosted

marvel movie writers:
what if every character was Gex?

still happy whenever I can score an "eagle" in a 2ⁿordle (the term comes from Quordle achievements, and means finishing with 3 unused guesses)

one day I will be lucky enough to score an albatross

Daily Octordle #315
Score: 52

arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted

also if I click on the empty space in the header, or on an invisible 5-pixel border between the text and the bottom space, it highlights the div the toot is in. what does that even do

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wow I figured out what I meant by "clicking on a toot the wrong way"

on this instance, if I click in the empty space below a toot, it opens it on the remote site, as opposed to clicking on the text, which expands it

This makes no sense so I filed it as a glitch-soc bug

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arborelia boosted

fake AI ethics: how can we stop the acausal robot god, who is real
real AI ethics: don't fucking make killer robots for your police department

it's silly that I have to do it this way but it's also very effective

however, glitch-soc/mastodon should skip the dark pattern and have a "No" button

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UI: pweease can I send notifications to your desktop?

Me: you know what, since you asked so sweetly and persistently, sure, I'll change my mind

UI: really?! oh happy day!

Me: hahaha just kidding. Always Block

arborelia boosted

Mystery Mystery Randomizer stream tonight. I've got random seeds with mystery settings from:

- A Link to the Past (Overworld Randomizer)
- A Link to the Past (Hybrid Major Glitches)
- EarthBound (PK Scramble)
- Super Mario World (Archipelago)

and I'm playing one of them!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!