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arborelia boosted

It's the end of the '70s on Silver Ball Century, my chronological stream of virtual :

my misreading of reminded me of this outstanding Radiohead cover from 2008, on a ZX Spectrum and several other pieces of obsolete hardware

the scanner plays a killer bass line

I skipped the first minute of loading time for you, you're welcome

arborelia boosted

"Pronouns" in conservative circles is a dog whistle. They fixate on pronouns so they can say transgender people are bad without bumping into hate speech rules. Mocking them for using pronouns themselves or not knowing what pronouns are isn't the burn you think it is.

Have fun with circling all the pronouns in screenshots of their tweets if that's your jam, but remember that you are not the intended audience. It's messaging for others on the far-right and it's way worse than flunking English class

Doors Dungeon Dive -- progress items are only in dungeons, and the dungeons are randomly generated with Door Shuffle.

arborelia boosted

I heard that Sam Bankman-Fried finally got arrested after making the interview rounds, invited to New York Times events etc. Contrast with the Black people who got life in prison in 3 strikes California where the 3rd strike was stealing a slice of pizza, the immigrants put in concentration camps, or people shot, just because.

Any time I feel like I'm not doing enough somehow, I remember him, Elizabeth Holmes & most of Silicon Valley tech bros who receive billions to burn for no reason.

arborelia boosted

This video is INCREDIBLE and SO worth the watch time.

I grew up in the ‘80s and ‘90s when it was just “common knowledge” that #disco sucked. I was puzzled when I finally discovered it for myself in adulthood and was like “damn, there’s some really good stuff here!”—turns out homophobes and transphobes crushed it using a playbook that is shockingly familiar to us (especially us #trans folks) in 2022.

Now hit me with some more of that sweet four on the floor! 🎧🎤🎹🎸🥁

Silver Ball Century, my chronological playthrough of virtual pinball, has reached 1979:

arborelia boosted

Imagine how shitty you have to be to get booed by people who are still willing to pay money to go see Dave Chapelle

The flippers were taunting me in plain sight for an hour and a half, and I eventually found the connector that went to them, but I had to get dinner. Resuming and then doing Advent of Code

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There's new versions of Door Shuffle and Overworld Shuffle for ALttP Randomizer! Trying them out with my favorite mode, MODESTBonk

(Mixed Overworld, Door + Entrance Shuffle, Trinity goal, Bonk shuffle)

arborelia boosted

A while back I saw an r/woodworking post where someone was asking for resources for woodworking plans. A few people told them to Google it.

If you Google it you get absolute horseshit. Just page after page of useless results. So we need to stop the fucking "let me google that for you" era and recognize that search is entirely broken in the modern day. We NEED human recommendations and information sharing now more than ever.

multiworld night! 6 of us are playing 6 interlinked randomized games: A Link to the Past, Hollow Knight, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Pokemon Red/Blue, and two games of Timespinner.

Items for any game can be found in any game.

Power Up With Pride is on! This is a wonderful marathon of videogame speedruns by queer folks. A lot of my friends are in it. It's raising money for the Trevor Project all weeekend

arborelia boosted

twitch, transphobia, ableism 

Twitch have added a bunch of new charities to their list, and two of them are the LGB alliance - a transphobic hate group - and Autism Speaks - an ableist hate group.

This can't be allowed to stand. Please use the link below if you have a twitch account to vote for this issue:

Silver Ball Century, my chronological playthrough of virtual pinball tables, is live! It's late 1978

arborelia boosted

just gonna say it: I'm seeing a lot of trans people showing solidarity with NYT staff today and ... jeez it would be really nice if they could return the favor

the mastodon equivalent of "getting ratioed" is when your toot causes your instance to go down

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!