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arborelia boosted

Man in polyester suit: so what you do is you type any combination of words and it displays the words statistically most likely to come after those words.

Shark Tank judge: Okay... So what is the purpose of your little sentence guesser?

Polyester suit man: It will destroy civilization, obviously.

That post gives the context, but if you already know what the Famicom game Cocoron is and you want the direct link to a new way to play it:

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arborelia boosted

When the AI bros scream "Look a monster!" to distract everyone from their practices (data theft, profligate energy usage, scaling of biases, pollution of the information ecosystem), we should make like Scooby-Doo and remove their mask.

Gargron? That's the buff demon dude you need to hit with a pinball, right?

arborelia boosted

sorry I haven't been reposting my Silver Ball Century streams here consistently!

Tonight is a bonus stream because pinball in 1992 is too good for just two streams

arborelia boosted


Laurie Penny, still relevant

#eurovision as a peace project; national competition re-envisaged as something gloriously silly, irreverent, irrelevant, fun, camp and democratic.

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arborelia boosted

As a student of workplace gender dynamics you've heard of the Glass Ceiling and the Glass Cliff, of course. Now it's time for the Glass Well Actually It's Not So Much Glass As An Avalanche Of Shit Landing On Your Head All At Once And OK Also It Is Filled With Bits Of Broken Glass

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arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted

It's funny how this (the TRS-80 MC-10) is a "forgotten computer" to most people, but it's actually what I thought people meant by "trs-80" or "trash-80" for a bunch of my life. It was the first computer that I "owned" myself, though it was a hand-me-down and I was very young. I have a lot of fond memories of doing nothing very useful with it.
arborelia boosted

For clarification, folks, this means that Calckey is the first ActivityPub platform (AFAIK) that will let you migrate your entire social graph (followers AND followings) from one ActivityPub instance (whether Mastodon, Calckey, Misskey, or other). You still have to export from one and import to the other, but that's a simple thing (and will probably be automated soon)..

cc @Tchambers @atomicpoet @mmasnick @jeffjarvis @davetroy @scafaria @davidslifka @elipariser @dangillmor

arborelia boosted

Silver Ball Century, my chronological playthrough of , is now going to be on Thursday evenings instead of Monday.

That starts next week. Tonight is just an arbitrary pinball stream

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!