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arborelia boosted

The cat just went over to the HomePod mini on my desk, meowed at it, and Siri said "sure here is some music for you" and the cat perched on the window sill listening to Garbage and Elliott Smith.

I just want to know how long this has been going on.

arborelia boosted

You have to understand that Twitter only functions by having people to attack. You sticking around there to "fight the good fight" is GIVING THEM EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. They WANT YOU THERE, FIGHTING. You're not changing a damn thing. You're playing a roll they want you to play for their amusement.


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arborelia boosted

Breaking news: Automatic plagiarism machine copies and slightly rephrases its training data.

(More seriously: What's interesting here is the documentation of the specific case & of the human decisions to use this.)


like it's a sign that they're at least partially understanding how fucked their movement is

But if they paid attention to what Chumbawamba sings about, they would not be writing a long blog post full of little circles, they would be bringing unhoused people to the nearest fancy EA venue to live there. or maybe just setting it on fire

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oh my god. the "let's fix Effective Altruism from inside" post quotes Chumbawamba.

"EAs who listen to Chumbawamba" is the new "fascists who listen to Rage Against the Machine"

arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted

trying to figure out if I just gave myself food poisoning from baking a potato that was too old. Stream tonight may be delayed

arborelia boosted

Doors League practice. This week has the Bomb Bag settings, where you can't hold any bombs until you find a Bomb Bag

I've been learning about JPEG XL and messing around with it over on cohost:

This is a 46 byte image file! Well, you're looking at a much larger .png of it

but it _could_ be a 46 byte image file if you were looking at the .jxl, which almost nothing supports yet

arborelia boosted

So who had trans people causing the breakup of the UK on their 2023 bingo card?

arborelia boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!