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arborelia boosted

For clarification, folks, this means that Calckey is the first ActivityPub platform (AFAIK) that will let you migrate your entire social graph (followers AND followings) from one ActivityPub instance (whether Mastodon, Calckey, Misskey, or other). You still have to export from one and import to the other, but that's a simple thing (and will probably be automated soon)..

cc @Tchambers @atomicpoet @mmasnick @jeffjarvis @davetroy @scafaria @davidslifka @elipariser @dangillmor

arborelia boosted

Silver Ball Century, my chronological playthrough of , is now going to be on Thursday evenings instead of Monday.

That starts next week. Tonight is just an arbitrary pinball stream

arborelia boosted

People have been posting glaring examples of ChatGPT’s gender bias, like arguing that attorneys can't be pregnant. So @sayashk and I tested ChatGPT on WinoBias, a standard gender bias benchmark. Both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are about 3 times as likely to answer incorrectly if the correct answer defies gender stereotypes — despite the benchmark dataset likely being included in the training data.

arborelia boosted

Shinigami Eyes still is categorically one of the absolutely worst, and dodgiest things ever to be presented to the trans community that people for some reason still use and trust.

What the absolute hell.

Why the damn hell would anyone ever think it be a good idea to crowdsource a giant data set of all the trans and pro-trans social media accounts on the internet for an "anonymous developer" that isnt either opt-in or opt-out.

arborelia boosted

(A related, separate problem: The black community has never felt comfortable "here", in the Greater Mastodon bubble, and has repeatedly told us so, and this place remains very white. I would rather fix this by just fixing what needs to be fixed here. But that hasn't happened yet and culture is hard to change, so regardless of what I want this MIGHT ultimately only happen by "Black Twitter", if that still exists, migrating somewhere else and then that somewhere else merging with "our" Fediverse.)

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arborelia boosted

I'm in a multiworld with @deejvalen and others, and also we worked on a new MSU pack for PK Scramble, and I'm doing both of those in tonight's stream

arborelia boosted

Kerim Safa - Factory of Nothing #pixelart #gif

"Factory of Nothing" is a manually-crafted digital animation that depicts an imaginary automated manufacturing system that does not produce anything.


It's a rainy day and @deejvalen is here, so we're doing a very casual Earthbound PK Scramble race with mystery settings

arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted

To set the record queer, I never called @arborelia a brat, even if she is one.

I'm going to see what the fuss is with this seed as I would never subject someone to things I myself never would endure myself.

so @deejvalen is here and she chose some PK Scramble settings for me!

At first I said her settings sounded easy so she called me a brat and raised the difficulty.

arborelia boosted

hey just heard back from the sphinx of black quartz, they said your vow was actually pretty mid. sorry

arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!