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happy valentine's day 2 the day where you love your partner very much
(it's followed by valentine's day 3 and halloween 64)
(all of these days are also gay girlmas)

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took selfcare and put on cute clothes and i haven't felt this good with myself in a long time
i'm happy and gay

dysphoria and cptsd and everything being too awful to handle

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calmed down
wanting to do things in a situation i can't handle
and being worse than i thought
and it's all breaking me apart
unable to take even basic self care i cant do most things and wiht all the stress and anxiety is just overwhelming

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had a meltdown

the lifelong constant that is family tying and condition and situaion

closing my eyes falling into the dark dreams of cursed games


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!