---, fascism and abuse and the state of the world, school
the least realistic part of my nightmares today was the lecturing on time travel research, not the supremacist teacher spicing it with nazi indoctrination or the ultraabusive system
---, fascism and abuse and the state of the world
one breathes in and it's toxic smog, in body and mind
the constant hammering on every background sentence, the wearing down being a breather from the punches, the indoctrination nightmare and its punishment
when you look away and yet more is set especifically to take advantage of the corrosion cracks
everything is set up as an hyperabusive inescapable brainwasing cult
nightmares don't stop and i'm sick of it
and are getting to me because they are real
the reality of fascism in every corner, of abuse and control lining up the walls
experience is poison finally corroding, and sight is madness
--- helplesness
i dont want to be here i dont want anything to do wiht thm i dont want anything to do with this place i want to escape i want to escape i want to escape
https://twitter.com/mykola/status/1112883937272107008 also linking this thread about autism here so it doesn't get lost
autistic, trans, lesbian, quasi-stellar dreamlike object
... and very, very shy
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