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@Gargron i forgot we were talking about node js which means *of course someone did the stupid thing*

@Gargron obviously the answer is to use IPC so you can send things to a node js process which will then render them server-side and send them back to rails whenever you need a thing to render
(dont actually do this) gosh
v good sharks

food, gross 

@jk ah yes the jar of dust bunnies

consider: material design should be only applied to architecture, applying it as much as it has been to UI is overkill @00dani oh my god yes i misread this and came up with an even better idea

a programming language where you must romance the compiler


consider: a mastodon option that makes it so that your posts are inaccessable from the default public interface (you just 404)

people have to have an account to see your posts exist

just threw a frozen bottle of water that was in the fridge against the ground to try and break the ice

the plastic broke
i peeled it all off and just ended up a gotdam ice statue of a water bottle

read bio boosted

Have #Aliens been living on earth longer than humans?

– '...This type of animal, called a ctenophore (pronounced ‘ten-o-for’ or ‘teen-o-for’), was long considered just another kind of jellyfish. But that summer at Friday Harbor, Moroz made a startling discovery: beneath this animal’s humdrum exterior was a monumental case of mistaken identity. From his very first experiments, he could see that these animals were unrelated to jellyfish. In fact, they were profoundly different from any other animal on Earth.

Moroz reached this conclusion by testing the nerve cells of ctenophores for the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and nitric oxide, chemical messengers considered the universal neural language of all animals. But try as he might, he could not find these molecules. The implications were profound...'

mastodon instance idea 

instance idea: an official instance where your account is temporary, used to find and choose an instance you like

mood: hearing a random noise while listening to a youtube video and trying to desperately figure out if it was what you were listening to or another tab

@Rezulux yeah but there's no uh
well defined one other than [tim allen grunt]


@Efi yeah but where does nightcore come into play

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!