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router firmwarecode 

@ghedipunk well, i dont know if it has anti-csrf, but...

router firmwarecode 

@mdm honestly, oem router firmware is just
always bad
like, i dont know any oem firmware that isn't the worst

router firmwarecode 

@mdm it is, 8080
remote management is not on by default, but the router settings imply it's fine if you have an admin password set

router firmwarecode 

@ghedipunk well, not if you're outside the network, because youd have to be able to access it to do it

router firmwarecode it is

router firmwarecode 

I SENT A REQUEST TO IT TO SEE HOW IT WOULD BOUNCE BECAUSE I THOUGHT "oh hey they wouldnt do that i wonder how it errors" BUT NO

$.post("BelkinAPI/DBPasswordSet", {"RequestID":6969,'PassWd':"im gay"}, console.log, "json")


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router firmwarecode 

looking at router firmware
issue 1: there's an unauthenticated api that sends you the wifi passwords
issue 2: its remotely accessable
issue 3: but dont worry because it's censored client-side, but the server sends you the full password so
issue 4: the code that censors the password looks like this

have you ever looked at a script and just like
nearly fell over because the amount of vitriol towards an api past you had

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when you open a script to see if it works and every single comment made includes at least one swear or is in all caps

@garbados yeah that's it
i'm mostly just confused as to like
1. why is there a camera there
2. why are the rubber ducks there
3. no seriously why are the rubber ducks there

read bio boosted
read bio boosted

Tired: dude with girl looking at other girl meme

Wired: dude with girl looking at other girl meme

Glowing brain: the meme is now in that subtle state between newness and oversaturation, and it just might be possible to sneak in that one last hegemonic variation, before it becomes an unfashionable memetic no-no only ever mentioned for archival purposes

Galaxy brain: what other stock images out there can be used for similar effects?

read bio boosted

I like this sign I saw on my last trip. Thinking of signs that say:
"Warning: No"
"Attention: Don't"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!