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donation begging stuff for gf again again
luna needs help again
she's good people and

i'm sorry if it feels like im just a broken record over this but she seriously does need help getting food and stuff and i dont have enough money to support her and me both

read bio boosted

what are people gonna even use custom emoji for tho

@squ1rrel i personally want cws to apply to images just because it makes sense, even if image has its own separate thing

weird dream 

@squ1rrel but now im imagining boss baby as a metal gear rising revengeance boss

weird dream 

@squ1rrel squirrel

the final boss
and a baby

boss baby

read bio boosted

"UX is Killing Brands" the article title states. "Like it or not, designers are all in advertising and we’re selling products, not experiences. UX is logical, branding is emotional..." the promo continues.


not lewd, kink 

fuck you i will never find "vore the rich" not funny

@Irick @lu1589 arch is like the 127 hours movie but the rock slowly crawls towards you every time you run pacman

@lu1589 gentoo is just overturning an egg carton and praying

help im staring at twitter and i cant look away from the train wreck

@cypnk what you got just looks like ************************ to me

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!