donation stuff again again (im really sorry but the situation is still not great)
okay, so
the food source we were gonna use to get cheaper food for luna is um
they're raising their prices because of Gov Bullshit which is really bad
she needs to be able to get healthy food, but it's going to require more help
send even a lil, even just boost
@KitRedgrave same
@squ1rrel she loves it
@iof23h3oif why does that have an xxhamsterxx thing
@Elizafox see what i do is i have it so that i'm transparent but also like
there's no way to prove that i am a real human entity or any way to figure out where i reside
@masklayer is skyrim a good game
@TrollDecker honestly i didnt know this either for a long-ass time
i just used simplescreenrecorder which was just like
the inbetween from ffmpeg to obs
i will no longer be on
please follow @boots