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A friend of mine (who's not on mastodon, hence my post) is struggling to make ends meet rn and could really use some financial support. I don't know how best to make their case for them so im hoping that y'all read the linked tumblr post and understand? idk how best to do this whoops

boosts are very much appreciated! thank you for taking the time to read this.

read bio boosted

please do not stare at the eclipse, even if it doesn't seem that bright

there's more UV than you think apparently?

mh, boots reads into something she couldve avoided again (-) 

send help i'm feel trashy and invalid

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mh, boots reads into something she couldve avoided again, SUPER TRANSPHOBIA (---) 

so i saw the miiverse splatoon thing and i had to check and
this thread is actually causing me suffering


donation stuff again again (im really sorry but the situation is still not great) 

we haven't gotten any donations in a while and luna's getting anxious over it, sorry for boosting this so much if it's botherin you or something <~<

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i want to register an instance business dot instance business instance dot business business account but i don't know what to make
i just know that the concept of having an account there is ncie


tbh growth hacking has always sounded less like a marketing thing and more lewd to me 🤔

currently on a network where it just took me 4 seconds to load a font
please save me

linux BS 

when you're trying to compile a library to get one feature working and it goes from "./configure" to

read bio boosted

Welcome to Mastodon, the premier place for people who enjoyed Mouth Moods by Neil Cicierega and absolutely nobody else ev

tired: using "asdf" to represent surprise to the point of not having words
wired: using random byte output to represent surprise to the point of not having words

lay down in your desktop chair, put your keyboard on your belly, and turn it so the side of the numpad is the closest thing to you
this is called guitar hero mode
good luck typing


naming a file "FUCK" as a temporary name, only to find youve already named a file "FUCK"

donation stuff again again (im really sorry but the situation is still not great) 

okay, so
the food source we were gonna use to get cheaper food for luna is um

they're raising their prices because of Gov Bullshit which is really bad
she needs to be able to get healthy food, but it's going to require more help

send even a lil, even just boost

i just

consider: registering at ARIN and getting an actual suricrasia online ipv6 block

currently in a superposition of sleep and awake

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!