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tried to make a relationship chart with my lego minifigs based on my lego movie fanfic AU and it ended up a mess that nobody can make sense of

in related news, I found out a long time ago you can just buy the minifigs without buying the full set, and I don't think I should have had this power

9 don't have names yet
2 of them are in a category called "terrible"

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some more Deets about these characters:
5 are children/preteens
3 are teenagers/high school age
10 are young adults (18-20s)
19 are older adults (30s-50s)
2 are seniors (older)
11 are ageless beings, deities, and/or lex (the name of a specific immortal human)

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did a count of all the characters I've designed (at least, in the official list I keep, which is missing a couple) for a writing project:
20 female
17 male
13 nonbinary (lumping them all into one group, regardless of what specific nb identity they have)

cops, bad joke 

"there are good cops" if you knew anything about the lego movie you would know that GCBC quit their job at the end of it, God I hate fake fans


should I have macarony and chease y/n

When the #MastoKAL2017 started, there was a request for another event in January to be about all fiber arts, with the name #yarnuary.

I've written up some plans here:

The broad idea is to share our yarn work—skilled and beginner alike—with the #yarnuary tag. I've also come up with some optional learning challenges.

Won't you join us?

#SticksandString #knitting #crochet #yarn #weaving #handspinning #tatting #felting #embroidery #needlework #nalbinding #fiber #fibre

We're putting out the call for diverse sci-fi writers that are:
- Disabled
- First Nations
- Marginalised sexes, genders, & identities
- Neurodivergent
- Scientists (research & comms)
New or established, we want your micro-scifi! Remember to read our new guidelines. The shorter the fiction, the better we pay!

#MicroFiction #tootfic #smallstories

suicide mention (positive) didn't attempt suicide all year, making it my second year in a row!

Hey, you, yeah, you 

The sheer amount of bullshit stuff you've had to overcome to get here is impressive
I am amaze
and a bit shy
keep going

also, as an added note: if you need any help, support, what have you, financial or otherwise, let me know, alright? I'm privileged enough to not have to worry about paying the bills every month. I want to do my part in helping others.

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hey what's up I'm making a list of patreon alternatives

I'm trying to sort by like, if you want something that's not a lot of work, something that's not any extra money, something that connects to paypal, stuff like that? it's not comprehensive by far but if you have any thoughts on like any alternative systems, let me know

vote: should I…
1. write more words
2. revise what I've already written

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| production |
| ______ |
(\__/) ||
(•ㅅ•) ||
/   づ

me, buying another thing: I should stop buying things

this is my mech. if I had a picture of a lego construct I would put it here.

Pixel constellation pattern! Gonna do a couple different color ways of this one, I think. Really happy with it!

#pixelart #mastoart #8bit #spaceart

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!