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oh boy I am not having a good writing day today

animal death 

the cats killed a bird (and presumably ate it, because we can't find the body, only many feathers)

Patreon, transphobia 

I am EXTREMELY SALTY over the fact that so many trans people are being undercut by Patreon while the U of T prof who is getting tens of thousands of dollars thrown at him after ~bravely making a stand against trans rights is the kind of "life changing" "success" they want to promote

I have been writing a lot lately! yesterday I wrote 4000 words! miraculously, I've managed to pace myself and not burn out, but will this last??

So I'm in a lot of pain with my tooth, and it probably needs taking out and I'm gonna need emergency treatment for it (cuz I don't have a dentist) and we can't afford it at all so if anyone could help us out I'd be so incredibly grateful

hey! if you're a trans person with bills to pay, hit up the Hypatia Software Org! they have a cash assistance and laptop distribution program that have helped me make ends meet 👍

good morning, the current state of the world is a nightmare and corporations are expanding and consuming beyond control, but god I love the lego movies

now that i've mostly washed my hands of #patreon and had a couple more days to sit on it, here's updated tip/donation guidelines for myself that i wrote up:

you're welcome to use this to build your own framework of decentralized/non-commercial/DIY funding, and i'm happy to chat strats with you if you want to swap experiences :)

(i'll continue to support others using their payment system of choice, i understand not everyone can do things this way)

the term fursona actually only applies to female fursonæ; a male fursona is a fursonus, a genderless one a fursonum


SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 11:59PM EST - Secret Sneepsnop Sign-Ups Close!!

MONDAY, DECEMBER 11TH - You will get an email with the Mastodon handle and email address of the person you have been randomly assigned to give to.

TUESDAY DECEMBER 12TH THROUGH WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20TH - Observe your sneepsnopee... Come up with something they would like And work on making or acquiring it

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21ST - Email your sneepsnopee their gift & post what you got with #sneepsnop2k17

This making the rounds here yet?

From Patreon: "We'd rather have our GMV be made up of fewer, but truly life-changed creators rather than a lot of creators making a few dollars." Well that tells me all I need to know about how much they actually care abt creators.

Original tweet:


I wrote about the incredibly frustrating Patreon changes -- thanks to Ryan North, Kate Leth, and Jeph Jacques for talking numbers with me!

i was gonna do a lot of writing but I suddenly have nasty cramps so I guess that's not happening

the final boss has 3 forms:
beginning form: star wars
second form: marvel
final form: I have to murder mickey mouse

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i will personally hunt down and destroy disney and all their franchises

patreon / unsolicited advice for patrons 

if you can afford to keep your pledges with the added fees, please do. maybe talk to people to see if there are similar ways to support them outside patreon; I had a good conversation with one of the creators I support, & they're thinking of alternatives, but that's not an option for every creator.

if you can't afford to keep your pledges and you have to lower or cancel them, please let patreon know the impact of their change. it's their fault, not yours.

patreon shit 

I was already really pushing it with the amount of money I've been giving through patreon
I can't really afford to give any more
I really need to find alternatives to supporting the artists, creators, & other ppl on patreon I care about

what's up I'm going home from Boston on the subway and I'm knitting a hat

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!