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Art Promo/Ad, I Am Outright Asking For Money, boosts are fine 

It's cliched as hell and I don't like doing this, but my family and I will be in a really tight financial spot for a while. DM me here or email if you're interested at all!

I also have a ko-fi, and patreon If you're into those

advice for intrusive thoughts; twitter screenshot 

weird spontaneous plot idea 

[chapter/promo art tagline] "WHAT A TERRIBLE THING IS BRINGING US ALL TOGETHER..."

When am I gonna start using this place regularly

weird spontaneous plot idea 

It continues on like this until one day you see someone else and they're moving too

@andre i guess the warn is the safe call so nobody thinks the wrong thing when they see a randomly generated tweet with content that could be alarming


i think i remember a friend doing a dramatic reading once

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!