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just noticed a ton of digital 3DS games are no longer available on the north american eShop. players who stick to legal means of game acquisition have zero recourse. that's so shitty.

here's a big list

Bloody Vampire, which i mentioned liking last week, is one such victim. now the only way to play it is to "pirate" it. which is no problem for me, but others aren't so lucky :/

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I wish everybody knew about

when "hey you should read article! [link]" leads you to some hideous monstrosity of popups, autoplaying videos, and begging for/demanding money to read the damn text, you can instead:

1. copy the URL
2. paste it into the box
3. enjoy reading the actual text
4. (optional) say "not today, Satan"

sometimes it doesn't work, for some mysterious, unexplained reason. sometimes chokes on NYT articles, for example, but other times if I close the tab it's in, open an new tab, and try pasting the url again, it works, so.

anyway yeah! spread the news!

Art Promo/Ad, I Am Outright Asking For Money, boosts are fine 

It's cliched as hell and I don't like doing this, but my family and I will be in a really tight financial spot for a while. DM me here or email if you're interested at all!

I also have a ko-fi, and patreon If you're into those

advice for intrusive thoughts; twitter screenshot 

When am I gonna start using this place regularly

More than half of Seabreeze Castle is submerged underneath the coast, going into The Good Sea.

By extension, basically every one of Raina Guvo's royal officials are aquatic composite citizens

I'm coloring old sketches like a lazy bum as previously mentioned and I kinda like this style. Would anyone be interested in sketches like this for like uh....$10

self promo, pls boost if you can! 


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!