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It's not a New Year's piece, but here's a nice winter drawing I made.

TIL there are sections in Unicode called Private Use Areas (which totally sounds like a sex thing to my dirty mind) where you can define special characters in a font. for example, button prompts on the Switch are in there. The icons you see at the bottom of the home screen telling you what controllers are in use and how their grip is configured? That's part of a system font.

i think i wanna try commissions again. hmu for some $15 sketches or some shit, trying to get my groove back.

be mindful of your language, here are some PC (patriotically correct) terms to replace outdated and offensive ones:

❌ installed a dictatorship βœ… liberated a nation from communist influence
❌ anti-union βœ… pro-consumer
❌ queerphobic βœ… expression of religious liberty
❌ genocide of the natives βœ… agreement to share land
❌ corporate discrimination against minorities βœ… freedom of speech
❌ racist slurs βœ… freedom of speech
❌ refusing to serve gay people βœ… freedom of speech
❌ refusing to serve straight people βœ… violation of free speech
❌ concentration camps βœ… summer camps

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!