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Doodling in #krita is surprisingly fun although I'm a noob and not an artist at all - built-in brush options do cool things and this dynamic brush tool draws smooth curvy trails. I'm using a trackball, not a good input tool for art, but you wouldn't know it from looking at stuff I'm drawing.

I did my first patch for anything a day ago. A small thing, just a wording fix for an IRC bot, but I'm proud of it anyway. I normally submit bugs I find, but didn't fix anything on my own until now.

So I joined too:
Is it bad form to boost your own toots on a different account? I think I'm probably either going to end up tooting mostly from there (the no-'e' restriction makes it more interesting to write and distracts from just being overly careful about wording out of shyness/social anxiety) or else never use it and I'm not sure which yet.

I should look at that image whenever I want to post something but I feel like it's too silly or boring. Toot! 🎺

it's been 

|οΏ£οΏ£οΏ£οΏ£οΏ£οΏ£οΏ£οΏ£οΏ£ |
| 00 |
| days since I have |
| posted the Dr Doom |
| toot image here |
(\__/) ||
(β€’γ……β€’) ||
/ γ€€ γ₯

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I asked my cat what her new year's resolutions are and she blinked at me and curled back up to sleep so there's an excellent option if you want one.

I don't want to end up using this like twitter all over again, just reading and not interacting, but I'm shy and so far I know exactly one person here. πŸ™€

"You've been chosen," the spirit said.
"Save the world, make it kinder, cleaner, safer."
"We chose everyone."
#MicroFiction #tootfic #smallstories

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!