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and then once you've got that down, you have to spend time tuning each one to find a voice that actually works and sounds good and is comfortable

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playing around with fem voice training

it's, hard.

not because any of the individual techniques are that hard, but because you have to do them all at the same time

I found this pinknews article which claims Frisk from Undertale is confirmed non-binary, but in the cited interview Toby Fox actually just straight up refuses to answer the question. which is... the opposite of a confirmation


(if you know an actual source, lmk)

are there any video games with an enby protagonist?

so it sounds like will likely be shutting down at the end of the year

I haven't decided where I'll be moving yet, but when I do I'll let y'all know

magical :computerfairies: boosted
magical :computerfairies: boosted

I think the biggest thing I wish people understood about accessibility is that the best way to make something accessible is often to offer more choice. Conflicting access needs will always be a thing, but they're a lot easier to deal with if there are multiple alternative ways to accomplish something. For instance, giving your users a choice of fonts rather than deciding one is universally "more accessible"

Mulan (2020) 

this plot is giving me whiplash

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Mulan (2020) (spoilers) 

witch lady shows up again to try and turn Mulan to the dark side

"no. my duty is to the emperor"

why tho? you were just kicked out of your battalion in disgrace

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Mulan (2020) (spoilers) 

Eddie Murphy seems to have been replaced by a silent bird

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Mulan (2020) (spoilers) 

Mulan hiding her identity is "poisoning her chi", making her weaker

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Mulan (2020) (spoilers) 

yyyep here we go. girl fight

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Mulan (2020) (spoilers) 

obviously she's intended to be mulan's counterpart but uh

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Mulan (2020) (spoilers) 

they introduce a badass evil witch character who is subservient to the big bad for no clear reason

"I could tear you apart" she tells him

yeah you could. why don't you?

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Mulan (2020) 

there's like, no *fun* in this movie. it's too serious and heavy-handed by hand

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Mulan (2020) 

what's the point of watching this if I can't sing along to I'll Make a Man Out of You?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!