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snowberry boosted

STOP saying "I'm autistic, not crazy". Stop stigmatizing people who are living with mental health issues. Stop trying to create a hierarchy of "mentally healthy" autistic people being above those living with schizoaffective disorders, Bipolar, etc.

Sanism is a real issue.

#ActuallyAutistic @actuallyautistic @actuallyautistics @mentalhealth

snowberry boosted

You can tell I'm a queer from how I pedal a bicycle

snowberry boosted

(laughing nervously) Wait seeing people who aren't there in the corners of my vision isn't normal? that doesn't happen to everyone?

snowberry boosted
snowberry boosted

I had a horrible dream that we were greatly outnumbered by Republicans— like, I’m talking we were in the low 30s. I was afraid. I wanted to leave the country, but I was afraid I might be hurt or killed, as there were now maga-esque thugs patrolling the streets with no uniforms— and no real training or restrictions.

I woke up relieved because that’s not true. They are not the majority. Don’t let them get in your head and turn it upside down. That’s what they’re trying to do.

snowberry boosted
snowberry boosted

so if two girls start taking hrt at the same time and grow tits, are they breasties?

snowberry boosted

It's gratifying to see so many subreddit moderators participating in the blackout of a site run by deceitful, greedy people. But if the subreddits go dark only for two days, and then return as if that solves anything, they'll be empowering the deceitful, greedy people. The message will be lost, or worse, the opposite of what's intented.

Stay the course.

snowberry boosted

Like, 90% of TERF / GC shit is basically saying "tee-hee, I'm a Nazi, does that make you mad?" and then acting outraged when you say yes.

snowberry boosted
@Mitsu listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl
snowberry boosted

Where would we even be without existential crises‽

Never thought I’d have to move to a from one social media to another again but here we are again. Fuck .

Panic attacks took over my life for the last month or so that has been awful. I’m glad I’m finally over the main issue. Never taking that medication again. :abunhdcry:

snowberry boosted
i'll have you know i'm somewhat of a microcelebrity on this platform most people have never heard of
snowberry boosted
snowberry boosted
snowberry boosted

migraine rant 

Hate migraines. They completely make life just so unlivable.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!