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Ryusui boosted

PSA: the 'official' Mastodon apps for iOS and Android are under-developed and not fully featured. You may want to try the community-made apps instead that have been around for years already and are established and work well. on iOS, try MetaText, and on Android, try Tusky - though you can also just pin the web browser to your home screen as a web app and it functions like a fully featured app with push notifications. :)

Ryusui boosted

Always odd to notice I've picked up a new habit and not knowing when or from where

Ryusui boosted

now that i'm following more people i think i'm getting the hang of what mastodon is all about. i think once i got over the decision paralyses of "aaah which instance" it all became a lot more, normal lol

Ryusui boosted

Listen, please don't do this.

It's great that many folks have already transitioned off Twitter fully, but acting like using Twitter right now is an endorsement of Elon's (very real) fascism and war on journalism isn't it.

This has been FAST.

Many marginalized folks have community support infrastructure there that can't simply be ported.

Please understand, community migration is SO much more fraught than individual migration.

Ryusui boosted

Mastodon won’t fully serve as a Twitter replacement until Dril makes the move

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

Me, installing mIRC: “What fucking decade am I in…”

Ryusui boosted

Train of thought
Car of hunger
Horse of desire
Segway of sleep
Fighter jet of anxiety
Submarine of jealousy
Electric scooter of satisfaction

Ryusui boosted
Ryusui boosted

so i've finally made the jump

hi, Masto community, it's me, Ryusui

i'm also on Cohost (, occasionally Tumblr (, and, you guessed it, Twitter (

long-term goal here is, even if Twitter burns to the ground with muskmelon's manbaby hands at the wheel, i'll have a place to connect with folks other than my constellation of Discord servers

hopefully i will have some cool stuff to offer here soon, or at least some entertaining responses

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!