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Ryusui boosted
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Oh my god, that ruled. NORCO rules. Play NORCO.

If you want the playlist of New Orleans / dirty south hip hop I was opening those streams with, here's a YouTube version. I had 3 tracks on the playlist I didn't get to in the stream.

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Ryusui boosted
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Ryusui boosted

There are accounts from the first settlers to Turtle Island that the forests were so abundant with food, and that the #indigenous folks they encountered seemed to eat along their pathways while traveling easily. This wasn't an accident. The forests were cultivated food forests, a great technological advance that was then mostly decimated, chopped down, and made into monocrops of things like wheat and corn. #permaculture and #foodforests are Indigenous innovations. Let's bring them back!

Ryusui boosted

You walk away from the christmas tree for 5 minutes and this happens…

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I love this recipe because in essence, it is a homemade twix bar. It's also surprisingly easy to make, and everyone will be super impressed by them. People will think you're some kind of candy-making expert because of the caramel, which is notoriously difficult.

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Ryusui boosted

The double recipe of Millionaire's Shorbread ate all my unsalted butter, so I'll have to make the cranberry-almond biscotti tomorrow.

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Ryusui boosted

It's the first mastodon-first Death Generator, and probably the last one of the year! It's nothing Christmassy, it's Spyro 2: Season of the Flame for GBA! #deathgenerator

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Make sure to carefully press it into the corners and sides and make it relatively level. Doesn't have to be perfect.

The parchment paper is a fun trick that lets you extricate the shortbread easily even when it has the caramel and chocolate layers on top. You leave tabs to pull

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@oliphant @rootfake The atypical release cadence, combined with the fact a MAJOR and easily caught (it is possible the bug is caused by my Android version or third party keyboard, but come on! Android QA means configuration testing!) new bug, seems to me to imply that an established release process was circumvented, probably at the demand of a 51-year-old child with localized absolute power

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Ryusui boosted

I wonder if there's like… an internal bidding process between teams, to decide, when they move The Most Useful Button In The Interface, The One Everyone Clicks/Taps By Muscle Memory out of the way, whose feature gets to replace it

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Ryusui boosted

but the GBA was the last final system where it was super common to have all your text messages encoded in BS-8, the text encoding you just pulled out of your ass

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#4 - Learn to say, "It's none of my business."

Don't understand someone's desire to use neo pronouns? None of your business. Can't understand why someone is a furry? None of your business. Curious about how someone who talks about being poor can have a Starbucks in that last selfie they posted? None of your damn business.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!