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Ryusui boosted
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Avi stickers #19-24! With the creature set (#1-18) finished for now, we're off to daily life in the enclave; after the next two sets are finished, the plan is to have any future additions come in twos to keep the sets in balance

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it has been ZERO DAYS since I tried to open a 3DS game in an Apple II floppy disk editor

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As it's Lemmings 32nd birthday today, here's your reminder that there is a Lemmings statue in Dundee.

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So I need a new instance to go to. Anyone got any recommendations for a LGBTQ friendly instance that will be okay with me talking politics and tech and furry junk?

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Ryusui boosted
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Ryusui boosted

just before i woke up i dreamt that there was a new genre of poetry where, in between each stanza, you include a link to a relevant tv tropes article and an excerpt of it that leads into the next stanza

i can't even give you an example of what i mean because i think it's too high concept for my puny mind

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i feel like i gained two levels in asynchronous python programming today. plus, i now have the framework to implement a telnet server that does whatever simple thing i like. MUD codebase, here i come

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Something exactly halfway between a cat and a frog

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RT @AboveUp
Here's the imagination bit from the old official site for Etrian Odyssey. It's really nice, actually.

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I want to buy a used Mac Mini M1 for disk imaging, and I'd rather give the money to people who know the good work I'll do it with than randos on Ebay. If you have one you want to get rid of, let me know.

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Ryusui boosted

Whenever I click a news article and it’s a video I’m like, “ok! guess I won’t be learning about that current event!!”

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accidentally wrote "saad" instead of "saas" in a text to my partner; they immediately coined "Software as a Disappointment"

and honestly, where is the lie

Ryusui boosted

Emotion is the subjective experience of instinct.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!