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steph/jade boosted

SAPPHO - Poems
I am the
Big Gay
and in every second I
Think about

terrible post 

seth rogen

steph/jade boosted

now that openRCT can be run on non-x86 platforms, the question of "can it run doom" can slowly shift to "can it run rollercoaster tycoon 2"

hey you know how robin williams pronounces evangelion in one hour photo? i always thought that was the right way to say it

kinning sypha belnades because I'm gay and god hates me

steph/jade boosted

I’m a centrist; I believe both sides have valid ideas, both Communism and Anarchism.

steph/jade boosted

If Shes Your Girl Then Why Is She Out Here Eating Slime With Me?

steph/jade boosted

My Blood Has Been Replaced With Lesbian Juice

steph/jade boosted

Trans Lesbians Are The Most Powerful Beings In The World. The Proof? Just Look At Them

steph/jade boosted

Why Are So Many Of You Grey. Why Can't You Type Properly.

steph/jade boosted

nsfw joke, again 

*makes a furry erp account and interacts with everyone on the federated timeline*

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!