Happy holidays! I hope you have a great day, Temia
@pettancow @AgiDine o yea happy hoppidays to you too
@pettancow @AgiDine this is a bunny holiday now apparently
@pettancow @AgiDine *Attempts to make a lamia pun and fails horribly*
@pettancow @AgiDine shhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't have the hiss, I'm just a giant snek below waist
@pettancow @AgiDine omg yes
@pettancow I just realized I've been saying "HISSSSS" out loud for the past 6 months whenever @AgiDine is being a butt
@pettancow @AgiDine I've been snek longer that I've realized
@pettancow @AgiDine OH NO I COULDN'T WEAR TIGHTS D:
@Abyssia @AgiDine Most monstergirls can't wear tights though!