@pettancow @Abyssia Aki got herself a fairy book~
@AgiDine @Abyssia Woo~
@pettancow @AgiDine I love that book a ton
@Abyssia @AgiDine It's a good book! I'm still hard-pressed to give up my Last Resort Zeta and Ethica glams though...
@pettancow @AgiDine I personally am either gonna use this, the pros, or Hydatos (if they keep the wings), or get the anima
@pettancow @AgiDine Pyros*
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!
@Abyssia @AgiDine It's a good book! I'm still hard-pressed to give up my Last Resort Zeta and Ethica glams though...