an attempt to find a shop selling Windows 7 media was a dismal failure
@max ugh. I hate to think I'm being driven back in that direction
Linux is just a non-starter. too much crap doesn't work right
@Alyx I had a system I ran Linux on in grad school, and probably won't again.
Windows 10 will soon let you download an entire Linux kernel as a feature (WSL 2), and a lot more of Windows got open sourced this year, so Windows is clearly the New Linux anyway 🤣
Yeah, just went through that... I had to get 10... the only real thing I don't like about my new stack.
@Alyx Windows 7 stops getting security updates early next year. It's probably not worth the effort of finding media at this point anyway.
I like Windows 10 so I'm probably not much help though, Sorry.