need to relax so here's _Organic Syntheses_ roulette. I generate a random English word off a website, and put it into the text search box of and see what article first comes up
the word, "energetic"
well, it's...simple!
synthesis of a hexadentate complex of iridium(III), fac-tris(2-phenylpyridinato)iridium(III)
never seen that "fac" terminology anywhere else. guess it refers to how the iridium, instead of simply bonding to the pyridine nitrogen, also (apparently!) strips a proton from the adjacent phenyl, making a bidentate ligand
(hexacoördinated, not hexadentate, bleh)
other arylpyridine ligands work. it's just plain simple "heat the ligand with IrCl3". more cooking than chemistry haha
what are these iridium complexes useful for? photocatalysts, apparently
also the stuff is spectacularly yellow