Parallax webcomic 

gonna do a simple little thing here, kinda as a reminder to myself, partly cos others here might be interested

posting links to successive pages of the Parallax webcomic, with maybe a little commentary, if it seems appropriate (

and here's page 1

end result of the Internet of Shit, I guess. Hal 9000 is installed with every water heater

re: Parallax webcomic 

@Alyx We have no idea what this webcomic is about, but since yous suggested it we are going to binge it!!!


re: Parallax webcomic 

@Freylet @Alyx it's by a couple of...well I wouldn't call them friends exactly, but people I know

I am terrible at reading anything for fun that's not a science book so this is my way of trying to stick with something new

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