oh uh lemme do _Organic Syntheses_ roulette again
(among other things it's kinda calming)
and the number is 4263!
wow, ok...a curious reaction, synthesis of something that looks like a valuable synthetic intermediate even though it's only a few carbons long, allenylcarbinol. so H₂C=C=CH-CH₂OH. a more systematic name is 2,3-butadienol.
allenes are funny creatures!
and finally water gets eliminated and you get the allene. or something like that. I'm trying to do that in my head instead of writing it down (it's good practice for me!)
well, fun! the _Organic Syntheses_ article then goes on to show a whole bunch of reactions that allenylcarbinol has been used in.
one to file away for who-knows-when.