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Hey, I’m switching instances; follow me over at 💖

Now that I’ve got the hang of this site I wanna be somewhere a lil more futureproof etc

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For those of you who might not know me/recognize me:
Hey this is me <3
23yr old trans girl, sapphic socialist, gay fox, iconic mess, EndlessKitsune of twitter acclaim

Hey, I’m switching instances; follow me over at 💖

Now that I’ve got the hang of this site I wanna be somewhere a lil more futureproof etc

Hey, I’m switching instances; follow me over at 💖

Now that I’ve got the hang of this site I wanna be somewhere a lil more futureproof etc

personal venting 

God... I barely slept last night but here I am past midnight with no plans of stopping
Idk what to do
I need to shower... i need to sleep... I need to keep hurting friends company...
Anxiety driving me forward, forward
But no plan in sight
Plan to feel awful and gross some more tomorrow in this miserable heat
I’ve been washing my hands what feels like every 20 mins
Hard to breathe

It's kinda nice that I can /do/ that.

That without direction I can set a little mote of positivity adrift in the federated TL. That someone will probably see it. Probably someone I don't know.

That's kinda rad

🌷🌱🌱🌱🌳🌻 🌱🌱🌱


Whoever catches this:

You're doing good. The world is hard but you're doing your best in it.

I'm proud of you.

I’d forgotten how cozy and personal small timelines are

A setting where sheep become powerful and treat creatures the way they treat sheep. Surprisingly don't go after wolves nearly as much as abusive humans, and they find a place where wolves can hunt freely.

I drew this bunslinger about this time last year and I should really revisit it. Blame repeated listens of Mitski's Be The Cowboy.

I wanted to doodle before going to work so here is
An Ice cream Dog!🍦🍦🍦

I just want you to know: you're a cutie. It's true!

For those of you who might not know me/recognize me:
Hey this is me <3
23yr old trans girl, sapphic socialist, gay fox, iconic mess, EndlessKitsune of twitter acclaim

So far both of the top iOS clients I’ve tested are unable to handle notifications properly, hmmmm

Whoa ok hi I’m just checking this platform out ^^
I don’t know how much I’ll use it but I’m curious~
Staking my claim out here anyway :v

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!