not being able to afford decent clothes to exercise in is very discouraging

nya. today is a busy day. i have to go to the post office, the store, and then class again at 6!

someone smells like bad breath in this computer lab

for me to survive my exam this monday i need to read 30 pages every day to get all the chapters i put off

ok i am studying and this is difficult ugghhhghgh i hate studying

i actually should start studying... my exam is Monday

im so sleepy and tired ;~; i wish i could afford to ditch class

i think one major thing that really ruined my experience on social media is that I mostly used those apps to mass follow people. I ended up not creating enough, so I just blindly followed almost 1000 people without thinking. I stared at pictures for almost 2 hours in a row.

i am so full but i learned you really need to stuff your face when you're eating super healthy because you get hungry more often ;-;

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!