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you know you're terrible when you're thinking about the intersection of vore and gore
@Efi yeah but where does nightcore come into play
@boots listen...[*nightcore fades in from the distance as a car covered in bloody shark teeth approaches*]
@Efi @boots ....
HAH, I get it, intersection, like a traffic junction :D
@Nine @boots I am murdering you tonight
@Efi @boots I will die as I lived
punning endlessly and without regrets!
@Efi @Nine in a vore way or a gore way
@boots @Nine yes
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!
@boots listen...
[*nightcore fades in from the distance as a car covered in bloody shark teeth approaches*]