@bea this showed up as 👩❤️👩 on amaroq tho? what gives
@kibi this is no why help
@bea ugh i hate the react devtools extension but this might be a job for react devtools extension
@bea afaict it is literally just inserting the woman + heart + woman emojis with no zwj?? presuming react is giving me the whole string in its devtools—this is copy+pasted https://glitch.social/media/laCPDKaos6dh_PBGtYE
@bea i would expect woman to be 2 characters because JS is UTF-16
@typhlosion @bea lol
@bea @typhlosion Yep masto + update is just not including ZWJs in its backend processing for some reason which is Hecked, and EmojiOne just Doesn't Care (but everyone else obvs does)
@typhlosion @bea what's funny/interesting is that WOMAN+HEART+VS-16+WOMAN breaks it somehow because i *believe* that WOMAN+ZWJ+HEART+VS-16+ZWJ+WOMAN is the canonical Unicode sequence
@bea @typhlosion (because HEAVY BLACK HEART also has a text representation)
@typhlosion @kibi @bea it sounds a snippet of a PR statement for a metal band
"it is with a heavy black heart that i must announce my retirement from iron maiden"